Ring Ideas

Ring Ideas

Design Your Own Ring. Below are Ring Breed designs which can be made
with your breed in Gold, Silver, or combination of these metals.

These are examples of small head studies made into rings. The ring shank is solid on one side and an open "V" on the other.

Here are some examples of standing breeds on rings.

These are examples of large head studies made into rings with solid shanks on both sides. Notice how they are offset to accommodate the individual study.

These are examples of smaller head studies with solid slightly offset shanks.

These are examples of head studies with gemstone collars.

This style is a small oval version for ladies' rings or gents' pinky rings. We can design this from the heads taken from larger standing or running studies. Stones can also be set on the sides.

This style is a small rectangle version for ladies' rings or gents' pinky rings. We can design this from the heads taken from larger standing or running studies. Stone can also be set on the sides.

This is our wide band ring design. We can make this for almost any running or standing study. This study is not just set on a band, but is actually one solid piece.

This is one of our heftiest ring styles for those large fingers. This is shown two tone. However all one color gold works very nicely. We can make this with most breed studies.

This is our heavy oval ring design. We can make this for almost any head study and sometimes with standing or running versions.

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